Johnny''s always running around...

This is my Banking. 

This is the Banking I will be walking  up and down again shortly.  When the pressure at work dies down. 

It's worth gasping 80 steps up because the view at 120 steps is perfect. 

The sky was  lovely today- the sun hazy behind the low clouds. 

We were up early and I made Creme Brulee.   Boy was at a restaurant last night, and had what he said was pretty amazing creme brulee - It was so good he forgot to take a picture for me. 

I'm hoping this will be a success.   Si and I adore Creme Brulee, but have never had one to challenge one we had a beautiful restaurant in Clohars Carnohet.  It was beautiful. All glass windows,  circular, the kids were amazing - we never had an issue with the kids in restaurants.  Tooli always went to check out the toilet for us, (she was three..) and came back and announced to everyone, there were MEN AND LADIES in the same toilet.   

We decided that made it even better, because Ally McBeal had unisex toilets. 

Another time in France - si and Me and Tooli were eating, Tooli had sent her steak back twice, still too bloody.  Boy phoned to tell us that he had been granted his Visa for three years... and we just ordered another Creme Brulee to celebrate.  We were crying, and stuffing creme brulee into our faces. 

We went to the pictures today.   Wicked LIttle Letters.   Ha!  That was entertaining.  I really enjoyed it. and came out swearing like a trooper.   Jessie Buckley was amazing.    I really loved her performance. 

Si was impressed that I almost fell asleep in the first fifteen minutes.  (I was tired, i'd had an  asthma attack before we left. I was woosey. 

I soon woke up tho.    And loved it.

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