There's No Place I'd rather be

I took my walk  this morning to honour my promise to Tooli.

I walked past the spot the man was on yesterday and carried on up to the top.  I did not stop I made it all to the top. 

And then I sat and enjoyed the view. 

A lady with a baby came up as I turned to leave, she looked a bit sad, but  i didn't stop to ask her if she was okay. . She took her phone out to take a photo of her and the baby, so I'm pretty sure she was okay. 

And then as I started down, a certain person parked his car and ran up the hill, past me at full tilt, giving a running commentary as he ran. "hello from a frost chilly Troon, I'm  running up the banking as part of my..."blah blah blah . 

He got to the top, walked down  and then  did it again.  I don't think he liked the first commentary that he did. 

I don't take to do with him. 

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