I wanna see the sunshine after the rain

You cannot tell what is happening with the weather these days.  Not a hope in hell.   

I think, like everything else, the Weather people are so worried to get it wrong, they suggest everything.  

So last night we went to bed, happy in the knowledge, there would be no rain during the night and a sunny day in the morning for us to head to the Allotment. 

I got up, pulled my clothes on, brushed my hair and looked out the window.  It had obviously only stopped raining. 

So I imparted the news to Si, and we agreed to have a cuppa and look after an hour. 

After an hour we agreed to give it a go, and we headed up. 

Si got to work on the bed - remember he started it last week.  I checked my weed work from last week and my onions and shallots.    Everything was good. 

To be honest, I couldn't be arsed.  So I went for a walk, I walked up and down the paths (Lavender Lane,  Primrose Path, Daffodil Road) it was lushly 

It was lovely.  The Sun actually was shining, the birds were singing, (I could not identify  them, but it was nice).  A robin accompanyied me all the way round, and took the huff when I ooooh'd over a song thrush, and then  I sighed when the song thrushes boyfriend arrived.  

I felt like doing stuff then - so I went and weeded the Garlic bed.  Oh heavens the smell was devine.  I hope that's a good sign for garlic to come on well. 

Then I moved all the little strawberry plants (not one of them seems to have died back)  and I weeded the bed where my beans and kale had been. 

All looking good.   Si finished the majority of the bed and the two beds I worked on looked great. But boy I was exhausted. 

I sat in the car, and waited for Si to finish his wander. 

and thought I could sleep. 

We got home, and then the disaster.     The plan was to shower, have a cup of tea, and head back for the shopping, and maybe the garden centre. 

I needed to do my roots - so I went to loo and looked out the chemicals, and as I went to mix them, I spilled them.   For those of you who don't have to go through this palaver,    the cremes are white and clear, until after the appropriate amount of time. 

So I followed the line of damp I had felt down myself.     And washed everything it touched.  Put the remainder on my head.  And waited.  My hair did not colour.  The wall did.  The lino did.  The sink did.   

I washed them all again, and when i came back to the toilet later, the walls were all brown and the floor was all brown .  Cleaned it all again. 

Worst thing was - Si had karchered the whole bathroom yesterday, It was spotless .And now it's liberally splattered with hair colour. 

What a mess. 

We went to the supermarket then, and the library and Savers, and by the time we were finished, I was so tired, I could barely stand. 

But then,  Si made me a crab brioche and it was lovely  and then I driopped crabby mayonaise all over my crochet. 

So I went and visited my mam, and told her everything which has happened to me in the last wee while. 

Which wasn't much. 

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