And Then There Were..
I "inherited" a collection of old BRITAIN magazines from my friend Pat when she moved to the Maritimes a couple of years ago. Pat is British, but has spent most of her adult years here in Canada. We used to travel together a lot, especially to England, and loved to read those magazines for the memories of places we had been and for inspiration for future destinations. I thought it was neat that she left them with me rather than throw them out!
Alas, though..their time has come. I am decluttering and they have to go... but not before I read through each one again and harvest any articles that would be useful for planning future trips. I have been working at it for a couple of days now and have the pile down to five. Only five more, and I will have completed another decluttering project! Yay!
It seems, however, that in this house, one project tends to lead to another and I can already see that this one is going to lead to a whole lot of filing!
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