No Ducks
Sunshine and mild temperatures..the perfect day to go to the lake and the marsh! Being a work day, I figured there wouldn't be many people down there, but I did not figure on there being almost no wildlife.
The whole time I was there I saw only two pairs of geese, one cardinal and a lot of chickadees?....What's with that? On a day like today? Where were the ducks, the swans, the deer and the rest of the geese? Not sure.. Maybe with the marsh being pretty much a partially frozen sea of mud, they found a better place to lounge about?
Still, it was a good place to enjoy the sunshine, and get a little fresh air and exercise for a change....Other than for a couple of photographers, I had the place to myself which is a bonus in itself.
Alone on a beach on a sunny day? Pretty nice...(extra)
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