
By Sonset25

Wet, wet, wet

Managed a dry dog walk this morning.  Got back home before an ominous dark cloud let rip.  

I'd arranged to meet a friend, Jane approximately 15 minutes cycle ride away at a gallery cafe.  The cycle route was flooded.  I had waterproofs on but my boots got soaked.  It's difficult to cycle in wellies.

Had a lovely catch up with Jane.  We walked back together up the hill towards our homes which are either left off the main road or right.  It was still pouring while we walked.

Rain has not let up.  The garden is a slippery bog.  The hound has to be taken out along the pavement for comfort breaks.

Rhubarb cake and coffee was perfect for today.

Hopefully tomorrow will be dryer or have dry intervals.

Stay safe everyone.

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