
Beautiful sunny dog walk this morning.  Cooler but we don't mind that.

Dry cycle ride to town.  Though my bicycle panniers were still damp after yesterday's deluge.

Bought some purple and orange tulips from the market flower stall.  Some of you may remember Adam the stallholder died of cancer.  His family members have stepped in and currently his stepson is running it pretty well.  

Feel very sad for Shamima Begum.  What a country we are to show a lack of empathy to someone who made a mistake when they were 15 and had been groomed.  France, Germany and Australia have taken back their citizens in similar circumstances.  Many questioned on social media will this government be punishing the adult British citizens who join the Israeli defence force to kill innocent Palestinians?  We probably know the answer. 

This week has zipped by.

Pleasant Friday evening everyone.

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