Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

happy girl

I brought Ali and Bonnie to visit this morning and over lunch. She is eight weeks old already and has her first vaccinations tomorrow. She was chortling at me as she lost in her moses basket. I refuse to believe she's not smiling at me! I take great pride in settling her twice too. Her blanket was made for Kathryn by a colleague (and friend) when she was born over 40 years ago, I've reassured it and all for great grandchildren have used it.
I was thrilled that somebody would go to so much trouble for my baby. Not having my mother around I was dependent on others to knit for us
I did very little else today, filled the car with petrol and then got my clothes organised for the trip north and that was about it
We're having aromatic crispy duck for dinner tonight, one of our favourites. From the supermarket, not the take away, the price is much more sensible!

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