White Blossom

A day off for me, but an early start.  BB had a hospital appointment in Edinburgh, so we were out early to catch the bus.  We had some time to spare when we got in,  just enough to get some food (breakfast), before we jumped on another bus. 
The hospital was happy with him and said they will only want to see him once a year now, as long as he has no problems.  That’s good news for him, and helps to put his mind at rest.  Our next stop was the dentist.  We had enough time to walk there via Stockbridge.  BB commented on the number of charity shops and the number of bakeries/cafes.  He was all for stopping off for more food, but we kept walking.  The dentist was running around thirty minutes behind, which was not great for a Monday morning.  I’m not sure how she was ever going to catch up.  We saw a new dentist (the old one having gone to Australia apparently), and were informed that we will only be seeing her once a year now, unless we have any problems.  There was no scale and polish either, but she told me I could now pay for it if I wanted it.  Thankfully there were no issues for either of us – so we left with an appointment for  2025.
Our next stop was lunch – at Dishoom, which was BB’s choice.  He didn’t care that I had just been there last week, but cared that he hadn't been there last week.  It was packed (we had booked).  We had a delicious meal – and as ever  I couldn’t believe how much BB ate.  He thoroughly enjoyed it.  We then stopped off at M&S for a couple of things, before going in search of our bus home.  We were both dozing off on the bus , and were both feeling rather weary when we got off.   He needed a lie down after his big lunch.  I on the other hand did a couple of things, then went for a walk round town to work off my lunch – it certainly helped.  By the time I got back, BB was wondering about his tea!!!
I fed the boys and BB headed off to football training .  I eventually had some soup – as I wasn’t very hungry.
Later I watched some TV and thought about going back to work tomorrow.
I blipped some pink blossom on Friday.  I spotted this white blossom today – presumably a  flowering cherry.

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