Shelling Out

I am sure that anyone who follows my Blips will know that I hate technology - we always end up fighting.

Today was no different.

Backing up files, removing stuff from one laptop and putting stuff onto the new one........ Nightmare!
Not helped by programmes having 'updates' and changing layouts  and where things are stored - along with things disappearing.
Adobe is the worst - not helped by me not being able to find either of the card readers. They will turn up in the next day or two having gone out and buying a new one, after all, I am not wanting to miss a Blip..........
During my hunting about I came across a piece of paper dated 13/2/22 which lists the dates of 92 missing Blips (I am only aware of 5 days missed due to illness).

Apart from fighting with technology, SWMBO spent some time in bed during the day and I made a couple of things on the lathe (not photographed yet).

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