Daniel Owen

By DanielJOwen


The boy goes up to Reception class in September, and he's been doing 'taster' sessions there on Wednesday afternoons. The increased intellectual rigour is clearly enough to tire him out as he's been ready to drop as soon as he gets home. As you can see, he is struggling to hold his own head up over dinner, poor lamb.

I've had a wholly unproductive day today, despite the sunshine outside. I've frittered away pretty much the whole day following news stories (Julia Gillard losing her leadership election in Australia, then two landmark US Supreme Court cases opening up marriage equality) and playing on Twitter.

After I collected him from school, the boy and I played in the garden and up in the village playground. The village playground is on top of a hill will amazing views across the surrounding countryside as far as Exmoor. It's a nice place to spend some time - and my boy seems to be the only child in the village who uses it.

Tomorrow, some people will arrive to cover the house with scaffolding because we're having to replace the render on the entire front of the house - so all hell will be let loose over the coming weeks. We're also getting a new dishwasher delivered, just to complicate the day further. Not looking forward to it.

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