Daniel Owen

By DanielJOwen


The whole of the front of our house, and one end, is covered in scaffolding. It went up this morning, in about three hours - put up by three very friendly blokes who worked quietly and efficiently. On Monday, some builders will come along and start pulling off all the render from the outside of the house, before re-rendering. It's going to be noisy and messy and I'm not looking forward to having to be here when it happens. The house was built in 1760 and it's made of cob, which is basically mud and straw. How well it survives this process remains to be seen, but I won't stop worrying until it's done.

I spent the morning finishing a work project (and sending off the invoice for it - hurrah!) I don't get much work, so it was nice to see this project completed and the client happy. It was an interesting one, too, that may actually lead to more work, so it's all good.

This evening, our new dishwasher arrived, to replace one that had done 12 years solid service but had stopped working very well. I managed to connect it all up successfully which I was irrationally pleased about.

That really is as exciting as my life gets these days.

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