
I spotted these snowdrops on my way to book group, having earlier woken up to drops of snow which had fallen overnight. 

Our book was The House of Fortune by Jessie Burton. I was in a minority of one in not enjoying it and owned up to not finishing it. I especially didn't like Thea one of the main protagonists. We had previously read the Muse by the same author but I did finish and found more interesting but I don't fully understand why she is so popular. 

Today is La nam Foileagan (pancake day) - it pays not confuse foileagan (pancakes) with  faoileagan (gulls). Anyhow I made Dutch-style savoury pancakes for lunch with a bacon, mushroom, tomato and cheese filling. Lekker ! They were rather filling though - the recipe made three generous pancakes when one each would have been sufficient. I have made a note on the recipe for next year to reduce the quantities. 

Country Dancing beckons tonight. 

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