Post Dated
The front door bell rang this morning which is itself unusual as most people know to use the side door. It was someone from Open Reach who was here to inspect the telegraph pole we have in our garden. Apparently this happens every 6 or 12 years. Who know ? I certainly didn't. Presumably the post passed the inspection as I didn't hear anything else but I did notice that the date of the inspection had been recorded along with when it was next due. .
The rest of day was a typical second Thursday in the month - my u3a Gaelic group this morning in which we discussed counting systems, with more Gaelic study this afternoon - going over my notes from last night which included an interesting tale about memorable incidents on the late afternoon bus from Stornoway when my tutor lived in Lewis, preparing for next weeks class and more work on my assessment. This included learning the Gaelic for Duke, Duchess and Lady - Diùc, Ban-Diùc and Baintighearna if you are interested. I am sure this will come in handy for everyday conversations.
I also went out for a short walk and met the same person twice !
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