Day Eight

I was beginning to worry that baby robin #4 didn't make it. But...if you put this in can count 4 little beaks. Now, if I can just get them to do something...something robiny. All they want to do now is sleep. Kinda like teenagers.

I got my 6 month dentist appointment out of the way this morning. I like my dentist Glen, but I hate it when he asks me questions while he's got that water tube, and his tools in my mouth.

How does he expect me to answer? "Hey got any trips planned for this summer?"

"Wah Gwah, wah wahing 2 Twah-wah-seeh." (Do you think he understood where I'm going?) It's translated..."Yeah Glen...we're going to Tennessee." Why doesn't he wait until he's done to talk?

I put a couple of shots of my baby (grandson Merrick), and of some baby geese on my FLICKR PAGE.

I'm off to do a couple of small plumbing jobs in my house. I put them off because I'm not real handy. My small plumbing jobs sometimes turn into big plumbing jobs for someone else.

Baby robins eyes starting to form, and the beginning of many feathers.

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