Baby (Juvie) Blackbird

YIKES! I took such a literary scolding yesterday...that my hind parts still are smarting. The picture I posted of my grandson and his dad brought out some heated comments.

There was a life vest in the front of the kayak. The boat was in 2 feet of water, with 3 adults 10 feet away. THAT BEING SAID...your point is well taken. Especially with toddlers...much like wearing a seat should always come first. Next time...the boy wears a preserver.

Speaking of toddlers...I shot a bunch of toddlers today. This red-winged blackbird was waiting on the branch to be fed. On my flickr page...he awaits with one of his siblings. Mom showed up, and fed the sibling. Playing favorites? In this picture...he is primed to fly back to the nest...probably to voice his dis-pleasure.

Also on the page is a Momma duck with 7 babies. She led them to eat the good stuff...right at the edge of the "waterfall." WHAT WAS SHE THINKING? WHY DIDN'T SHE HAVE LIFE PRESERVERS ON THEM? (Sorry.)

Sure enough...1 little duckling...up to the edge... over the edge. 15 foot slide. WHOOP-EE!! Mom flew down...forcing the other 6 ducklings to also take the plunge. Maybe it's their idea of a waterpark ride. I got one lousy picture.

Put it in LARGE to look at my favorite part. It's always the eye.

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