Bye grandad

3years 247days

A nice day today. With Katie happy away at nursery after tummy cuddles, I came home and did a major rearrange. The work elements of the lounge have now been removed into what is now my office and the lounge shifted round to make it all much more spacious. It was quite a mission!

However, I took a break early afternoon and took Katie out of nursery for a while- we were meeting a friend to try a carrier we are borrowing for a day out at the weekend and tied it in with a trip to the park with her son too. It was fab! She's a lady I first met as a client but is now a friend. And is big big big on baby wearing and very generous with sharing carriers, like the manduca we have borrowed.

Katie went back to nursery for the last few hours so I could finish getting it straight. The lounge is about there, my office is unpacked again but not properly set up yet. When I picked her up, she had another tummy cuddle. She was very excited to find granny in the front garden weeding and grandad coming towards her. She very quickly took to the new lounge, certainly making her unique mark

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