A Dreich Day

The snow is still on the hills but it is sleet here. It was so wet I got a lift to the Literature class in the village. It was a good session, the last on Salt Houses which despite rather dodgy provenance of recommendations from Good Housekeeping and similar, was a really good book. Not only were the characters well-drawn, it was an interesting perspective on the Israel/Palestinian conflict from 1947 using generations of a displaced family as it moved from Jaffa to Nablus to Kuwait to Beirut via USA to Amman.

It’s 2 degrees and raw cold so we have the fire on. I’m going to re-start knitting the Shetland coat I started ages ago and am struggling with. The pattern is complicated, the needles are small and it’s a BIG piece of work. I should have made one for size 8 daughter not me.

Here’s my current book pile.

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