A busy day!

We've given this Blip the title, ' A busy day', but actually compared to a proper busy person, my human hasn't really been that busy. Does anyone else find that the less they do, the less they actually want to do?

Anyway, this morning my human went to visit a friend who isn't very well and can't get out. It's no fun getting old is it? Life seems to be full of doom & gloom atm. I stayed 'home alone' because the friend is allergic to me. Took some flowers, but the flowers couldn't be placed in the room where the humans were, because the friend she took with her is allergic to flowers. Where have all these allergies come from? Years ago nobody had allergies?!!! Personally Ann thinks it's all down to processed foods and not building up a strong enough immunity.

Dropped friend off and then, because Ann was feeling in a very positive, organised mode, off she went to Tesco and bought enough food and wine to feed herself for more than a week. And not just TV dinners either!  Yes, she did have an ASDA delivery yesterday, but she likes to choose her own meat/fish/veg.

After lunch (a bacon, mushroom & cheese omelette for Ann and nothing for me), she took me to Musselburgh to play on the beach with my ball. There were loads of shells on the beach which gave Ann the idea of making things with shells. Haven't a clue what, but we're sure there must be a few ideas out there.

Came home and I had more snooze time because I'm even more lazy than Ann and she's just made a Cottage Pie because she is in domestic goddess mode. The plan was to cook it and eat it whilst watching 'Coronation Street', but she's just heard that's been taken off air because of a football match?!! #nothappy

Netflix it is then???????

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