Coppicing Man

Another blowy day. In fact we’d to rush to the pontoon, as there was an emergency. One boat's stern lines had frayed through and it was hanging on by its bow. I mean, you need more lines. Everyone knows that. 
Anyway, the beach was so deserted of swimmers that I thought it was a fine day to set about the undergrowth. Otherwise our view of the harbour (and my boat!) will disappear in a few years y'see, never mind the view from the scenic bench. Besides, the sea wall is a listed structure so shouldn’t have trees sprouting from it any more than you’d should allow Buddleia to sprout from your eaves. Correct? Correct. And it may be sooner than we think that we will have need of an intact sea wall. Indeed.
I put on the TV briefly (before switching to HDMI 3 for the PS4) - there’s only one story on the BBC News channel. Every bloody time. OK, ok, the old (new) King has been diagnosed with cancer. End of story, surely. How many hours can they fill with it. Stop! Stop now!! 

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