Cover Me

When I bought the extension cab for my amp at the beginning of September, I ordered a protective cover for it a couple of days later. I was told it should be the same as the one I already had for my amp (there wasn’t a specific one listed for the cab), but obviously I needed to check that before ordering. As the amp and cab had only taken a couple of weeks to arrive after being ordered, I was expecting the same for the new cover.
So, five months later, it finally arrives! No real reason for the delay - it was only coming from Italy - but at least I can now put everything safely up in the loft until it’s next needed. Which means there’s a lot more floor space in the study!
Today was a total contrast to yesterday. Sunnier and warmer as regards the weather, and I was feeling loads better so had a good workout in the gym. The afternoon was spent trying to set up a new email account. More and more theatre and concert tickets are now just emailed to be shown on your phone, but I don’t like having my main email account on my phone. I thought I had a Gmail account but I couldn’t get it to activate so gave up and set up a new Outlook one. I still book shows and gigs using my normal email, but now I can forward those which have e-tickets to my Outlook account which is only accessed on my phone.
I know I’m behind the curve here, but I’m just not a fan of having emails on my phone. A combination of a fear of losing everything if I lose my phone and preferring to read things on a large screen. But I’m also fed up of having to print tickets - a waste of paper and time - so I’m finally embracing the future!

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