
Another band practice at TNT Records in Barrow. They have a room above the shop which is equipped with a Drum Kit, PA, Bass Amp and sundry Guitar Amps. We can just bring instruments and plug in to those, or use our own kit if we prefer. Available to hire during shop opening hours only, which means it’s not always convenient for everyone. I blipped the Bass Amp last week, so thought I’d snap the other side of the room today whilst the guitarist and vocalist had nipped out for a fag!
My new bass performed superbly and I felt comfortable with it straight away. Only slight niggle is that it’s quite a heavy beast, so more work in the gym required to avoid aching shoulders!
It was a good rehearsal and the set is definitely coming together. Next practice will be at a different venue on Wednesday night so we can actually have all the band members in the same room at the same time. Hopefully get a chance to run through a couple of new numbers then - Paint It Black has been suggested and that’s one of my favourite Stones songs, so looking forward to playing it.

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