
Off he went to walk the dog, and I set about building the extra office table.

Even if I do say so myself, I’m pretty good at following instructions and flat pack assembly.

Extra screws, not needed. Substantial packing around the edges of the table, useful and much more in evidence these days. Good. Allen key in the packaging, again useful although I prefer my own set of essential DIY tools which are never far away.

Table built, made room by moving one unit in the office and nice and calmly located new table into position. Took the packaging to the garage. Got the hoover out and whizzed round with that. Changed loads in the washing machine.

Last job, level the legs on the new table and put printer in place. THWARTED. Could I find the spirit level? I knew exactly where it would have been in the old garage.

So of course I had to wait for his return and ask for help. In my defence I had been looking in the right place, but he went and bought a new spirit level fairly recently. A grey one, not the red one I was looking for.

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