Rolled Up

Credit to husband…..

"What have we got rolled up"
"I’ve got some mats rolled up in the garage"
"Nope, far too big"
"A tape?"

"Oh yes, my tape measure, perfect thank you"

And of course some ‘rolled up’ cotton reels in the same location were added for good measure.

Thanks for hosting this month Ilya. Next month it’s me and blip friend Nicoiseannie :-) subjects / themes will be communicated at the end of this week, but we think we are ready…. famous last words!

The rain eventually stopped about midnight last night and it’s been bright and sunny most of the day, so we’ve managed a couple of good walks around and about. I also got my Pilates mat out the garage and did a recorded session. I’m not sure the live stream on a Monday will be possible at the moment as the internet does drop out a little, but I will give it a go. Good to be back stretching the joints and muscles though.

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