Explore, Dream, Discover

By Snowcycle

Nelson Monument

A sunny day, so I have to spend most of it in a building. Thankfully I find my security pass in plenty of time to catch the bus, which arrives quite late and crawls in to town. I don't miss the commuting at all. A waste of time. SO in to a very quiet office to see that the device works perfectly ok on company wired and wifi networks. Try a hotspot network with my phone, and everything disconnects. I opt for a coffee before asking if there are touchdown devices in the building. There are not, only touchdown desks and hot desking. Fortunately the IT guys have a spare device I can borrow, so at least I can look at emails and prep for meetings, while my device is rebuilt.

After lunch, the new device is usable on the phone hot spot. I have to leave it for a while while applications are downloaded. But as soon as it is fairly stable, I can go home. Blip is of the Nelson Monument on Carlton Hill, details here. An ok ride home, except for noisy schoolkids on the bus heading home. 

After coffee, a wee walk in the light of dusk, but no dramatic sunset like the one I posted last Thursday.

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