Explore, Dream, Discover

By Snowcycle

Allermuir Hill

A busy day at work trying to get my device to communicate, which involved many rein=stalls of software and installs of certificates, so I was incommunicado all day.

Had to go down to the bank at lunchtime to hand in some forms for sanity check. Thankfully I don't have to post them off as the branch can scan the forms for processing in England.

Got the bus mostly home, got off to walk home. Blip of Allermuir Hill over the rear garden of the old Comiston Farm House. If the houses are developed here, the view could disappear along with the trees.

Back to the non-functioning device. Not even a wired connection works, so in to an office tomorrow to get the device rebuilt.

A damp afternoon, but manage a wee walk with my partner in light rain. Spent the evening looking for work security pass, which isn't where I thought I had left it. Didn't find it.

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