Cat in a tree
I think maybe the cat thinks that if it's up in the tree it will have a better chance of catching a bird. I think its chances of success are nil. The market and supermarket shopping was done quickly and I was back by 10 o'clock. We have a candidate arriving from Portland, Oregon the week after next and we are having to hastily convene meetings and make arrangements between the three departments. It has all come in something of a rush. I have made an appointment with the ophthalmologist on Thursday to find out why I am having problems looking at screens. The tennis coach was sick so three of us just practised together and I played a couple of sets with Alain. There were six of us at French conversation and we had a good chat about the farmers' dispute among other things. When I went into town the demonstrators had left the main roundabout at the bottom of the valley so we did not have to take a long detour to avoid the roadblock slowing traffic on its way to Andorra. Workmen were out sweeping and cleaning the roundabout. The farmers had left a lot of straw on the road and manure on the roundabout. The farmers have a large degree of support for the action as many are not able to make a living wage.There have been long delays during the last week.
A friend who wants to apply for French nationality is none too pleased that the new immigration law has increased the language requirement from B1 to B2 which is at the higher level of intermediate fluency.
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