A Day Out on the Town

My mother’s doctor visit was mid-morning. I headed down after breakfast and my shower. She was ready when I arrived. All her tests indicate she is as fit as a fiddle. Her doc said she expected no less. She is due for blood tests. We got the order and headed to the lab. It was standing room only. The receptionist said the wait could be 1.5 hours. We’ll go back and try again in a day or so. Next stop was shopping. She really did not need much; she eats so little. It was after noon and we were both really hungry. We stopped at a restaurant called “Slim Chickens.” Everything they serve is yummy. My mother wasn’t interested in posing for her photo. Fried chicken is her all time favorite food. Seeing her dig in to her lunch broadened my smile. She needed money to pay for all the recent house repairs. We stopped at her ATM. I try so hard to let her be independent but it was obviously she needed assistance. Plus there was a line of cars forming. I helped her finish the process and we headed south. After I put everything away, I left her to rest. My next stop was to get a soft serve chocolate ice cream. Then I filled the car with gas before heading home. Hubby got a hair cut. He took Chase to the orthodontist for me since his appointment overlapped my mother’s. We had collected a few treasures for him. He was most excited about a teapot from my sister. He sent a thank you note immediately. It is definitely nap time. But time with family is precious and who knows how much we have left? Hope you are ready for another weekend; it’s here! Stay safe. Thanks so much for all the stars, hearts and pleasant comments. "The memories we create through spending time together are priceless treasures we can carry with us always." - FsmStatistics

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