I Love Januarys

It was chilly but sunny today. I am not sure we could function without our Google Calendar. Hubby uses it to remind us of annual, quarterly, and monthly tasks that could easily be forgotten. But it really helps us chart our daily schedule. Then there are the jobs that keep being moved to “tomorrow” on our calendar. That’s what we do in January. I have mentioned some of those jobs we’ve accomplished so far. Today, hubby took down the cover for our street light, washed it and put in a brighter bulb. He’s wanted to do that for months but other stuff keeps taking precedence. I documented all my 2022 charitable contributions. And those are just two items we crossed of the list. My sister and BIL stopped by. She repaired a glass angel ornament we broke. They also witnessed our beneficiary paperwork. We got to see Sugar as well. Parker drove over after school on his 4-wheeler. He must have rubbed his face on a poison ivy bush. I gave him meds for it. Hubby is going to look for something stronger at the pharmacy. Our DIL made out fine with her surgery. That’s a relief. The knee may be a bit better if I rest it periodically. We had another productive day, laundry, computer work, etc. Thanks for stopping by. Wishing you a pleasant end of week. Stay safe. “The trick to getting things done is to list things to do in doable order.” - Robert Breault

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