Grateful for Graffiti

The day began with tears and angst. Nate had a trip to a theatre today, but last time he had a trip like this he felt the anxiety began, bless him. We drew a heart on his pulse point for him to hold (it helped!), prayed, etc... He went to school nervous but happier, and as expected, later came home having had a fantastic time. Danny and I felt a bit wrung out by 9,05! We took coffee to a nearby place by the sea and enjoyed almost an hour nattering and catching up with each other.
A busy morning getting to grips with the studying, downloading reports I'll need to read by next week, starting my reflective journal we need to keep...Then a great call with mom and great zoom with a Blipper who's coming out in April. Brilliant to 'meet her' after several years of knowing her here!
I went to check up on one of the friends who's living on the streets. Found him in a sorry state, sadly. Cooked him some lunch and took it back to him before meeting Asha from school.
Nate and I popped to get him a little treat for being brave and facing a fear today - this PC Plod hat blipped, he's delighted with it! It's Carnival here in a couple of weeks and each day there's various fancy dress requirements, so he's pleased with it. I've added an extra in as we walked home past the church - loved the strong contrasts on the doors.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) The most amazing murmuration I've ever seen. Danny stopped the car in the middle of the lane to just marvel. There were hundreds of them swooping over and around the car, rising up in clouds then all swooping low again. Utterly stunning.
2) Meeting K on Zoom and getting on so well!
3) The hush over town after 2pm. So so peaceful in those siesta hours...almost everything shut and everyone at home resting.

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