Roll With It

By Falmike


No rowing due to the weather so a leisurely morning.
During the afternoon I attended the Cornwall County Conference of The Royal British Legion. Held in the New County Hall Council Chambers and knowing the chamber I’d assumed that we would be sitting behind the desks with the fitted modesty boards so I would be ok in my customary shorts.
The conference went well, the business of the meeting passed smoothly and we started on the awards. As the Conference Chair read the Citation for the Bob Davidson award there was a gradual realisation that it was me he was talking about. Mr Anthony Baines OBE, Director General of the RBL gave me the award, shocked maybe too strong a description, surprised, emotional and humbled that people would think me worthy of such an award. I could add scruffy as well but he made me smile when he told me that apparently no one would recognise me in long trousers!!
I’d only been sat down for a few minutes when I was called up again for a second award, what a day.

Returning home I was bursting to tell Mrs S and Sam and as we sat and looked at the certificates and reading the citation over a cup of coffee it was with a feeling of “wow”.

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