Hassle Free

Sometimes the Veterans Breakfasts can be a pain; no shows, leaving without paying for all you have had, menu not right, etc. Todays however was hassle free, I advertised it in December, 44 said they were going, 3 no shows, great food, great company, great service, everybody paid, everyone enjoyed it.
Exactly as it should be.

Mrs S left for home in my car, I headed off to the China Fleet Club in Saltash for a meeting with a friend driving. As with the normal RNA Area 4 meeting it was “as dull as dishwater”, only enlivened when we got to the election of officials when, with no volunteer for treasurer we were given notice of the winding up meeting to come before a member offered himself as an interim replacement.
Home and a mediocre sweet and sour for dinner before I received an outline programme of events and locations within Falmouth on National Armed Forces Day 2023, No detail just outline proposals, lightweight, no substance.
Never mind we still have 154 days!

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