Low tide Otter Estuary flood plains

It was a bright start to the day and I went for a walk with my husband along the beach and then up the river estuary to White Bridge and back.  The tide was low so it was quite a different landscape that the wading birds are fond of.  We saw a Curlew very close up as it was just under the new pedestrian bridge and happily feeding.  Further along the path we saw an Avocet it appeared to be just by itself although there have been sightings of up to four.  This is a new habitat for them so it will be interesting to see if the numbers increase over the years.  We also saw Ringed Plovers, a very active Greenshank, Redshank, Shelduck, Teal and various Gulls.

An enjoyable walk while the sun was out it soon disappeared behind cloud in the afternoon.

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