By lizzie_birkett

My wee table again!

Today it has my home made oaty bread with blackcurrant jam on it.
I hadn’t baked bread for a while but just felt like doing it today. Just before
noon my friend Angie from the neighbourhood whatsapped me to ask if she could pop over for an hour. We hadn’t seen her for quite a while so I invited her to join us for Frank’s yummy soup. The bread had just gone in the oven as she arrived so wasn’t ready in time for her to have some and she had to go home. I took her half a loaf later in the afternoon after choir.
She was delighted!
By the way my blackcurrant jam is some that I made from the blackcurrants in our last garden in Scotland! (5 years ago!) It is still perfect and delicious.
Frank said it wouldn’t be fit to eat. I said - what would we do in a war? We would most definitely eat it. Sell by dates? Pah!

We had choir this afternoon, we all feel we’re getting somewhere now, the words are mostly in our heads. 
I’m a bit worried whether I’ll be fit for the show though as I have my knee surgery on 21st February which leaves me with 4 weeks to be back on my feet - the guidelines say 4-6 weeks or more and full recovery in 6 months.
I’d be devastated if I couldn’t do the show after all this work. I’m thinking positive - I’m usually a good healer. There are people far worse off.

My word this weather is wild! I haven’t seen any fallen trees round here thank goodness, but I think there is more to come. 

Stay safe everyone. Ask yourself - Is my journey really necessary?

;-) X

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