By lizzie_birkett

More Organised…

…I hope!
Last year I was always forgetting things and getting mixed up so I sent for this.
I am now much better at drinking water, I never drank enough because basically I am never thirsty so I would forget. Frank drinks lots of it bit also likes a beer! 
The top organiser is fine as long as I remember to rub last week’s out and write in what is going on this week. I forgot! Haha!
This morning I went into Skipton on the bus as I had a few things to get and sort out. I got drenched!
One of those things was a visit to the Halifax to query a transaction on my current account. I noticed that £15 was taken from my account this month and wondered what it was as I didn’t recognise it.
The girl was really helpful and checked my account - and said this has been taken every month since last July! Now I am very careful with my banking and I never open any emails from banks or anything like that, I always check directly on my bank app.
Anyway she asked if I would like her to speak to the fraud department and I said yes. They were also very helpful. I asked if they had heard of this company before and she said yes they get hundreds of issues with them, it turns out this company is well known for scams and if you order something on line they can ‘piggy back’ on certain companies and get your bank details. Scary!
The bank sorted it all for me and within minutes of me leaving they had put £105 back in my account.
I read madchickenwoman’s Blip today and she had the same but with a different company. It’s shocking how these scammers can do this to people. Many people wouldn’t check and they get away with this theft.
Why on earth can they not get these criminals?
I went to The Grape Tree and stocked up on nuts and seeds, so tomorrow
I can make granola. 
I was home for lunch and then fell asleep reading my book.
Bird seed arrived today so my feathered friends will be happy, I only had enough left for a few days. I buy it from Happy Beaks.

A bit of telly now and then book and bedtime.

Goodnight ;-) X

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