
A South American genus that provides a few plants for our gardens.   The commonest ones can become a troublesome weed, increasing by myriad bulbils.  This form named after botanist, Rolf Fiedler, is more restrained, in the garden at least.  In pots, as here, it increases all too well.   I pot up the larger ones each summer, the cheerful flowers are produced over a long period and are individually quite long lasting too.

A day of travelling.  After a gentle morning which included a visit from a chap who can do some urgent work on the house and will price up for a small conservatory to replace my back porch.  There's no door between the polycarbonate roofed porch and the kitchen so it leaks heat and gathers damp in winter.  I'll see what the quote is before deciding whether to proceed but a small conservatory will house a lot more plants than the porch so you'll understand I have more than one reason to hope I can afford it ;-)

An AGS AGM in Bangor at 4 saw me elected as Treasurer, having persuaded a couple of others to take on Chairman and Secretary roles.  There's a wish to continue and if we an develop stronger links with the Friends of Treborth Botanic Garden, where we meet, new members may be found to secure the future.   Maybe.   We had four short presentations from members after the boring bit and there was tea and cake, so all in all a convivial afternoon.

Then a three hour drive to Ruth's in Brum.   Jamie came over by train earlier so it's a family weekend ahead.

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