Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

night sky

Well this looks nothing like what I thought I was taking but it's rather effective any way and quite artistic for me! Is that the plough sneaking in their around the dramatic comet which is in fact a waning Gibbous moon over Newhaven?
This morning I drove Ali into town to Lauriston Place for an additional audiology check for Bonnie. All's well thank goodness. They reckon her ears were still bunged up at her neonate check which is why the result wasn't clear.
Lothian health got a rollicking a few years ago for missing so many children's hearing defects until children were in school. The system in place now seems to be very thorough though, which is great.
As a treat for being so good, Ali and I had a coffee and cake in Cafe Nero in Quartermile. Nice to relax with a sleeping baby in her pram.
We popped into Sainsbury's on the way home for a couple of things then spent the afternoon relaxing here. Bonnie is a very content child, it's hard to believe she's not yet three weeks old - on the other hand I can't remember when she wasn't here, in an odd sort of way.
After my visitors had left I boiled up a ham joint then made lentil soup with the liquid so I feel very like a kitchen goddess as I sit here!
Thanks for all the comments on those wonderful shoes yesterday and the suggestion they might even have been mine. I used to wear fab shoes, in a previous life, but now good shoes=comfy shoes, lol.

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