
By sharon143

Adam the glass fitter came this morning to replace the two damaged kitchen upstands . Soon after that the plumber arrived to investigate the probable leak in the shower room. It t likely that it’s just the shower sealant so he’s going to come back on Tuesday and replace it. Have to say I’m not convinced (due to the shape and position of the stains) but I hope its just that. Started to look for replacement house and contents insurance after he left - it has just about doubled since last year!
Got the bus into town and went to John Lewis to return some stuff and then got another bus up to Woodthorpe Hospital to see an ophthalmologist about the cyst on my eye. He confirmed that it was an epithelial cyst and said he could ‘pop’ ’ it which would drain it - 50% chance of it returning though. If it does I will have to have it removed in theatre - much more expensive of course! He did it straight away ( so part of consultation fee!) . It was fine - just a bit of bleeding. Called in at S’s on my way home for coffee and a chat. Adam came back in the evening to screw the electric socket plates back on .
Rubbish photo but I wanted to have a close-up of my eye

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