First camellia flower in my garden this year. Far too early - very likely to get frost or water damage . It’s a very prolific plant but sadly red - not my favourite colour in the garden. At least it’s an early flowerer, I’m so pleased to see flowers I can forgive its redness somewhat!
Had a slow start to the day . I definitely have a cough and cold now and it’s worse in the morning and evening. No rain forecast so I hung all my clean bed linen on the line and it promptly poured down! Did some sorting out and list writing and then went into town for the first craft class of the year. There were four new people , including A from foodbank . We used wire and modroc to make posed human figures. Of course the tutor made it look very easy but it wasn’t the case. Left them there to dry- could be anEB in a week or so! Did a bit of shopping on the way home .

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