Long day. Up early to finish packing the cars, with our actual luggage and TallGirl’s collection of plants.
Very frosty morning. I headed off in Mr B’s car, with no rear view owing to carpets. TallGirl and MrB set off just after me in TallGirl’s (identical) car. We took different routes but thanks to TallGirl giving Mr B the wheel for most of the trip, we arrived not far off the same time. I unloaded car 1, then met them at shops and swapped cars after I had provided sheet/duvet advice. Home (me) to unload car 2, then supermarket shopping with TallGirl while MrB did manly things at B&Q.
Chinese food was sourced while I constructed occasional tables. This is definitely the least studenty student house I’ve been in, but does a little remind me of the first house I rented after uni. Perhaps it’s a compulsory phase for folk like me.
Exhausted now - wish I wasn’t flying home tomorrow - there is so much to do here.
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