CarbBoy is 18 on Tuesday. As TallGirl leaves for uni tomorrow, we thought we’d have a birthday tea today. And I decided to spend my entire day trying an ambitious cake.
Despite a wakeful night (covid jab repercussions?) it turned out okay ish. So this is Thor’s hammer (chocolate cake with grey paste icing) slammed into a multi(verse)layer cake of vanilla and chocolate. I’m not good at this sort of technical stuff, and much prefer the sausage roll, cupcake, rice crispy bar action that joined the cake at tea. But all was tasty and I think the kids appreciate the effort that goes into cakes - even when they’re a bit rubbish.
Now we’re watching Everything Everywhere All at Once, and I have little idea what is going on (partly because we only just discovered we should have had the subtitles on).
Sunny day. Mr B started painting the shutters - the colour looks great, and it’s good to see actual painting progress after all the sanding and filling.
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