The Nomad’s Tent

For whatever reason we Merry Widows had Söderberg all to ourselves for an hour this  morning. Maybe the punters were having their last long lies before schools and workplaces open up fully after New Year. It all felt very strange.

After lunch I paid a visit to the Nomad’s Tent, a shop selling rugs, carpets and all manner of jewellery and artefacts from Asia and Africa. In the old castle I once bought a large Persian rug and carpet runner from them. The latter found its way up to Cullen after we downsized and I’ve recently had it returned but with extensive moth damage at one end. I wanted to find out it was cost effective to get it treated and mended but turns out it would cost more to have it mended than it is worth and so I’ve decided just to have demothified and cleaned. The owner suggested I tucked it under my arm and brought it in since I only lived about a mile away. I took it as a compliment that he thought I was young enough and capable enough to do that. I’m not sure I could lift it as far at the front door.

The merchandise inside the shop is a colourful assault on the eye and a place where it is a challenge not to buy something lovely which I don’t need.

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