White Line Woodblock

Last Saturday, on the ferry, we read an advert for a printing workshop in the studio/shop of an artist who works in Stromness. On our first day or two here we tried to contact the artist and by midweek we had made a booking for today.

So, most of our last full day on Orkney was spent in the studio learning the "Provincetown Print" or White Line Woodblock printing method. The artist was very cheerful, friendly, and a very good teacher. During our time with her we went through all the stages in cutting a woodblock and each made two prints. We each had one mounted and framed and my second print (from the same block) is the one you see here. This is Apothecary7's.

Once we had left the studio we quickly drove to a prearranged blipmeet with IainatCreel. We had a good blether over a cuppa and met Iain's wife too as we sat and enjoyed wonderful views of Scapa Flow and over the the North end of Hoy.

Later we went back through to Stromness and walked through the town and out to the 'ness' where we watched some ducks and divers swimming along with a seal or two and watched the ferry MV Graemsay coming back over from Hoy.
By chance as we walked along we met the owner of the cottage we have been renting and were invited in to meet his wife. More blethering :-)

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