
By sharon143

Decided it was time to try and get what I think is a fluid- filled cyst in the corner of my eye sorted. Have been on an NGS waiting list for well over a year and heard nothing so I phoned one of the private hospitals and got an appointment with a consultant for next Friday. AJ collected me and JB at 12.30 and we drove to Leicester. We were held up for about 15 minutes as a low loader carrying a crane had got stuck under a low bridge but fortunately AJ likes to allow plenty of time so we got there with 10 minutes to spare. We went to the Curve theatre to see Evita. Really enjoyed it. The theatre is lovely and really interesting. There is no ‘back stage’ and you can walk around where that would usually be , separated only by glass and black out curtains which they pull back as soon as they’re no longer needed to shut out the light. My blip is after the show had finished, looking through the side of the stage. Had a drink in the bar afterwards and then went over the road for a very nice curry . Drove home along Belgrave Road to see the combined Christmas and Divali lights. Nice day.

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