Wild Wednesday ...

... birds of a feather.

My first Wild Wednesday bird collage!  And only on the third day of the year!  I'm off to a good start ...

I had my 6-month dental cleaning this morning so I was up and out of the house early.  Thankfully, I didn't have any cavities but I do have a molar on the bottom right that is cracked and needs a crown.  Ugh!

I didn't get back to the house until noon as I stopped at the post office afterwards.  After having some lunch I sat outside so I could get some wildlife pictures.  They didn't disappoint. 

Featured here are a dark-eyed junco on the left, house sparrow (upper right) and my gorgeous male red-bellied woodpecker in lower right.  You can just barely see his name sake red belly in the picture.  The Junco is enjoying a mealworm.

I've added a picture of my beautiful Kiera girl in the Extras.  This was taken in very low light (ISO 12.8k!) without benefit of the flash.  The low-light capability of this mirrorless camera is amazing.  

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