
By Grammy

All in a Haze

The sun is always in my eyes in the morning when we eat breakfast. Hubby was finished so I sat at his place. Looking out into the forest behind our home, the fog was lifting up from the wooded ravine. It seemed to add another dimension to that little spot on our world. I grabbed my phone and tried to capture the scene. We had a heavy frost so the grass sparkled in front of the fence. I had a new perspective of an otherwise ordinary stand of trees. We did a bit of housecleaning. Hubby refreshed the bird baths and started a small woodworking project. After showers, we went to the bank so I could get my new ATM card. Glad to get that done. We shopped for a few staples, including some items hubby discovered my mother has run out of. After lunch, I did a load of laundry and realized I still have the draining after effects of COVID. It was nap time. Hubby has a meeting tonight so Millie and I will have quiet Kindle time. I hope your day was just as pleasant. Thanks for your visit. “In nature, everything has a job. The job of the fog is to beautify further the existing beauties!” - Mehmet Murat Ildan

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