Diwrnod newydd sbon

Diwrnod newydd sbon ~ Brand new day

“Grandparents can be very special resources. Just being close to them reassures a child, without words, about change and continuity, about what went before and what will come after.”
― Fred Rogers

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Blwyddyn newydd dda!

Ar ôl noson hwyr, bore gynnar... Er gwaethaf i ni fynd i wely yn hwyr, roedd y plant i fyny yn gynnar ac wedi angen ychydig o oruchwyliaeth gyda'u Lego lawr grisiau. Fi, bod y 'codiwr cynnar' oedd y oedolyn dynodedig am y bore. Roedd hwyl i weld y plant yn chwarae gyda'u Lego. Roedden nhw'n dda iawn am dilyn cyfarwyddiadau a gosod sticeri. Gwnaethon nhw'n dda iawn heb fy help.

Yn y diwedd ymddangosodd oedolion eraill a chawsom frecwast. Ar ôl frecwast, aeth Richard, Steph, y plant, a fi i'r comin i taflu eu awyrennau polystyren. Er gwaetha y tywyd glwyb a wyntog, roedd hi'n dda i fynd allan am anadl awyr ffres (iawn). Gwisgon ni ein dillad tywydd-wlyb a esgidiau rwber hefyd. Doedd neb o gwmpas ond cawson ni tipyn bach o hwyl am hanner awr cynd roedd amser i ddychwel adre ac yn paratoi cinio.

Coginiodd Nor'dzin pryd o fwyd mawr iawn gyda llawer o llysiau, cnau rhost, a saws hefyd. Dilynwyd hynny gan gacennau, bisgedi a siocled. Roedd fel pryd o fwyd teulu Nadolig go iawn.

Chwaraeon ni llawer o gemau cerdyn. 'Once Upon a Time', Dixit, Uno ... Roedd hi'n dda iawn i weld pa mor roedd y pland yn gallu canolbwyntio ar y gemau. A rhywbryd penderfynon ni roedd hi'n amser bwyta mwy of fwyd cyn aeth Richard, Steph a theulu adre.

Roedd diwrnod llawn iawn,  roedd y teulu gyda ni yn fwy na 24 awr. Roedd hi'n dathliad gwych o gyfnod yuletide.

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Happy New Year!

After a late night, an early morning... Despite us going to bed late, the children were up early and needed a bit of supervision with their Lego downstairs. Me, being the 'early riser' was the designated adult for the morning. It was fun to see the children playing with their Lego. They were very good at following directions and placing stickers. They did very well without my help.

Eventually other adults appeared and we had breakfast. After breakfast, Richard, Steph, the children, and I went to the common to throw their polystyrene planes. Despite the wet and windy weather, it was good to go out for a breath of (very) fresh air. We also wore our wet weather clothes and rubber boots. There was no one around but we had a bit of fun for half an hour before it was time to return home and prepare dinner.

Nor'dzin cooked a very large meal with lots of vegetables, nut roasts, and sauce too. This was followed by cakes, biscuits and chocolate. It was like a real Christmas family meal.

We played a lot of card games. 'Once Upon a Time', Dixit, Uno ... It was very good to see how the children were able to focus on the games. And at some point we decided it was time to eat more food before Richard, Steph and family went home.

It was a very full day, the family was with us for more than 24 hours. It was a great celebration of the yuletide period.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Pobl yn taflu awyrennau polystyren mewn parc (hidlydd ciwbiaeth)
Description (English): People throwing polystyrene aeroplanes in a park (cubism filter)

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