Tuag at ail Nadolig

Tuag at ail Nadolig ~ Towards a second Christmas

“The chief element in moral progress is a widening of sympathy. If you confine it to your family it is not enough; if you confine it to your nation it is narrow, and so on. You ought to include sympathy to the animals. I think it is the widening of sympathy that is the essential thing. In our age, we have gone the other way, we have narrowed sympathy down more and more.”
― Bertrand Russell

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Roedd diwrnod brysur iawn heddiw. Roedden ni'n disgwyl Richard, Steph a'r plant i aros dros nos, felly penderfynon ni gwella ein llety i westeion. Roedd hyn yn golygu symud llawer o lyfrau i wneud mwy o le yn yr ystafell sbâr. Ar ddiwedd roedden ni wedi cael lle cyfforddus am ddau blentyn. Roedden ni gosod dau wely yn yr ystafell cysegr am Richard a Steph hefyd.  Roedd hi'n llawer o waith a gorffennon ni dim ond pum munud cyn cyrhaeddodd y teulu. (Yn gobeithio ni fydd yn rhaid inni ei wneud byth eto).

Roedd hi'n dda iawn i weld y teulu eto. Roedden nhw wedi treulio'r Nadolig gyda theulu Steph - maen nhw'n gwneud hon bob yn ail flwyddyn

Roedden ni wedi cael noswaith dda iawn gyda'r teulu. Gwnaethon ni archebu pitsa, a tra roedden ni'n yn aros agoron ni ein hanrhegion. Cawson ni i gyd anrhegion hyfryd. Roedd Zoe yn hoffi ei set fach o de Tsieineaidd, ac roedd Sam yn hoffi ei daearfaen.

Aeth y plant i'r gwely tuag wyth o'r gloch ac arhoson y gweddill ohonon ni  i fyny tan hanner nos yn chwarae gemau.  Roedd noson wych.

Blwyddyn newydd dda!

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Today was a very busy day. We were expecting Richard, Steph and the children to stay overnight, so we decided to improve our guest accommodation. This meant moving a lot of books to make more room in the spare room. In the end we had a comfortable place for two children. We also put up d two beds in the shrine room for Richard and Steph. It was a lot of work and we finished just five minutes before the family arrived. (Hopefully we never have to do it again).

It was very good to see the family again. They had spent Christmas with Steph's family - they do this every other year

We had had a very good evening with the family. We ordered a pizza, and while we waited we opened our presents. We all received lovely gifts. Zoe liked her little Chinese tea set, and Sam liked his ground stone.

The children went to bed around eight o'clock and the rest of us stayed up until midnight playing games. It was a great night.

Happy New Year!

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Amlygiad lluosog cyfun o bobl sy'n dadlapio anrhegion.
Description (English): Combined multiple exposure of people unwrapping presents.

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