
By fennerpearson

To Wick...

Up at six, with an intention to be out of the door by half-past, but in the end we hit the road at around seven o'clock, which was fine. 

The Minx took care of the first leg: a dull ride along the M62 and up the M1, which became progressively more magical over the course of the day once we joined the A1. Or A1(M), to give it its full title. 

I took over the driving at some services maybe 50 miles south of Edinburgh, all the way up to just north of Inverness. Lord, but it was a beautiful drive, and I enjoyed every minute of it. 

There was some serious storm action up here, yesterday, the after effects of which consigned us to the A9 but that was no bad thing; it's still a stunning route. Actually, it was most definitely a good thing because we wouldn't go this way given the choice but it is beautiful. 

The sun goes down before four up here, so by the time the Minx regained the driver's seat, there was not much opportunity for grand scenic photos, so instead you have a picture of the cottage that we're staying in, taken just after we arrived around six o'clock.

And from thereon in it was all Prosecco, cheese and crackers, and chocolate. Heaven!

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