A dusting on the Lyell

Although it's a dreary day, I'm pleased to report that we've had hardly any snow - just some on the hills and ranges around the area. The 130km winds that have been forecast haven't even eventuated in our little town. Wellington, known for its wind, has certainly had its fair share of the wind, even to the extent of blowing the big Cook Strait Ferry from it mooring. It's now snowing in Christchurch, and further south have had a hammering with the snow - in some places it's so heavy, power has been cut, schools closed, and people have been told to stay at home.

Meanwhile, our little town has been a safe haven from all this terrible weather. Yes it is cold, currently 5.1 degrees C, but that is nothing compared to the rest of the country.

Shifting the cows this morning, I turned around and saw a glimpse of sun shining on the snow on the Lyell ranges. It was very pretty.

I bet all the skiers around will be rubbing their hands in excitement, and waxing their skies. With all this snow most ski fields will be looking at opening, and having a fantastic season ahead of them.

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